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Spotlighting a platform for cellular modification

3D animation campaign imagery omnichannel content product showcase scientific storytelling

3D-animated product showcase

A cell engineering platform based on scalable silicon technology, with the potential to unlock novel types of cell and gene therapy. Tasked with the creation of an engaging visual story that provides a technical presentation of the Mekanofection platform, we used 3D animation to guide viewers seamlessly along the ins and outs of this innovative system.

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A microfluidic cartridge designed for the efficient delivery of genetic material into cells against a blue background, taken from our 3D animation on the Mekanofection platform for cell engineering

Cell therapy on a chip

The Mekanofection platform is a microfluidic cartridge designed for the efficient delivery of genetic material into cells. This controlled, scalable system for advanced cellular modification supports cell and gene therapy programmes, from R&D through to manufacturing.

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Dressed to impress

Besides providing a step-by-step demonstration of the powerful technologies it brings together, our animation makes clever use of light to realise a colourful, translucent depiction of this innovative platform – one that speaks to the imagination.

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Single cell precision

Zooming into the microscopic interior of the cartridge, viewers are able to witness the moment it all comes down to. Once a multitude of cells is trapped in individual pores, a nanoneedle chip is dramatically lowered into place – puncturing each cell with nuclear precision.

The image of meticulousness.

The clean visuals and rhythmic flow of this animation together creates a lasting image of this impressive technology, which is capable of redefining high efficiency, high viability cell engineering.

3D animation of cage catalysts for tumour treatment entering the cell.jpg

Amplifying impact and securing funding


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3D animation of Face with rorschach ink patterns in background to visualis schizophrenia.jpg

A tailored mode of disease campaign

Boehringer Ingelheim

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Close-up 3D animation of brown eye.jpg

Propelling early-stage technology


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